October 25, 2009

happy birthday, my dear =)

Dear readers, on occasion, I will use this blog as a medium for some personal announcements. This time, I need to say Happy Birthday to my most excellent friend. Guys, listen up. She is a wonderful girl (or is it lady ^_^), she has the power to make people happy, she stands up for what she believes in, she is brilliant! And above all, she was the reason I had real meaningful time during high school. 

Hey, don't you have any idea who she is..? Yeah, obviously she is...


Today is her birthday. Please know, she is important enough to have this entire space. Bless her. She is such a spectacular human being. I've known her for years, though in these last few years we only spent a few hours together in person. She is a connector, a human being whose friendships span for decades. Have never yelled at anybody, nor raised her voice (though someone annoyed her). Always there when I need her and she will never let me down. She is an advocate for the right of all human beings, born to be a healer and to bring peace to the whole world. I'm privileged to call her friend.

I would not have half of my sanity left if it wasn't for her. Maryam and I met may be around 7 years ago (the number makes me feel so old) and we bonded fast and furiously. She is an awesome person in every sense of way. Maryam and I had been through many interesting times together and have been able to laugh at everything after the fact. We went through all ups and downs during student days and shared every single secret about everything. Talked about what's going on during holiday until late at night. Joined underground society (WUFF, AAF and whatever the things were). Had our own trademarks and codes (metana, fosforus, aluminium, cacat hijau/biru, kasap, yucks etc etc). Did some naughty and silly stuffs.

Do you remember during Hari Merdeka, the incident with Leha? Remember we tried to sneak out the exam paper? Remember whatsoever we did at 4S when we were form 3? Remember we memorized the Hooke's Law during form 3 (when we didn't even have the slightest idea what does it mean) because of 'the note'? Remember our masterpiece of the so-called novel? LOL! :D. Hey, you see! I'll spend the entire week just if I were to list down all of them. Really.

Back then, we were so innocent and ignorant. I don't wish to forget or to just let the memories go, though they are meaningless (at least to many people), these are the things which make my life colourful. And I hope you won't too, Maryam, even when you get older. Just by thinking of all these craps makes me want to go back to high school days so badly. I know, you guys, are now doing very well in studies and I believe, you will too, in the future=).

Maryam, I adore you and I can imagine of us being old and grey (I'm not waiting for the moment though) and still laughing at the past memories. Thanks for being the person you are. I love you and hope you have a fabulous birthday. Only if you are lucky, I'll sing for you later. I repeat *only if you are lucky. Hehe :))

So, happy 20th birthday dear! Welcome to the next decade of your life *_*

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